Obviously, I am in Ghana! I have been in good spirits and not too overwhelmed thus far since I stepped off the plane. I was absolutely exhausted when I arrived...flying from Scotland on Monday and not sleeping for 24 hours straight then attempting sleep Monday night, without much success, and having too many amazing people at my house and way too much going through my head Tuesday night meant I did not sleep well for about 3 days straight. Something I am definitely not used to :) I also couldn't sleep well on the plane from Detroit to Frankfurt or from Frankfurt to Accra. My body was miserable for those hours. But, as soon as we got off the plane, I had a BIG smile on my face. My very first impressions of Ghana were that the mildly cool (I know, crazy) breeze that blew on my face as I walked down the steps from the plane smelled so good. A little bit tropical, a little bit like warm dust (like the smell of the dust at SMR, those that know what that smells like). People were kind from the start, helping with bags, greeting with smiles, etc. We met the mayor of Ga East at the airport and heard "Akwaaba Ghana" (Welcome to Ghana) over and over!
When we got to the University of Ghana (10-15 minutes from the airport), it took a bit to get our room assignments. I live on the ground floor of the International Student Hostel # 2. My door opens onto a beautiful courtyard and I have a great view from my back porch. I can see lots of grass and a tree and the Night Market (a little market that sells food, goods, etc.)! I didn't have a roommate yet at that point, but more about that in a bit! When we arrived that first night I literally ate some spicy rice and chicken that our professor got for us, took a fast cold shower (you have no choice...), found my sheets and mosquito net, wadded up a sweatshirt since I didn't have a pillow, and fell asleep around 8:30pm Ghana time which was about 4:30pm US time! I slept SO WELL. Finally.
We had an early start Friday morning...8am. This was our day to figure out where everything is...Where do I go to class? Where can I eat? Where can I find toiletries, etc? Where should I avoid? The basics...
Walking around in a group of 12 Americans makes you stick out like a sore thumb (I don't even know what that phrase means)...a feeling I'm getting used to but is still strange. I have found myself intimidated by large groups of Ghanaians, but as we learned in a culture shock lecture yesterday, usually Ghanaians are just as intimidated by a group of white people as you are of them. This helps put things into perspective and makes it easier to hold your head high, smile, and say hello.
Saturday we had some orientation to the University...learning about lot of things we had already heard or that did not apply to us (registration, examinations, etc.). So, after lunch, though we were supposed to stay at orientation until 4, our whole group decided to be rebels and go exploring. Our professor hasn't been around much, which has been nice because I think we feel more independent and brave without him around. We walked all over the campus (which is huge by the way and has a number of markets and people/houses that are not connected to the University) with our eyes wide open, taking it all in. We tried new foods, bought hangers and pillows, and met a few people along the way. I relaxed and hung out with some Calvin friends (yes, we really are all friends already :) before going together to dinner at Tacobell which is not a Taco Bell. And it is expensive for our standards now (3 cedis for a huge meal...which is about $2.50.). I relaxed again in the evening, showered, and slept well again!
Sunday morning, the group got up early to go to church. We went to the Legon Interdenominational Church this morning and I LOVED it. I thought of all of you (friends, family, CICW people I work with) and wished that you all could experience services like this. So colorful...tons of welcoming handshakes...lots of variety...memorized scripture readings by children...songs that had rhythm and flavor :) So great. The service brought tears to my eyes, it was so moving. After lunch (my 5th meal of rice and chicken), we walked back to ISH (where we live) and I spent the afternoon painting. It was marvelous!! I tacked a small piece of canvas to the flat surface of my desk (which is really crappy already mom, don't worry I'm not ruining it) to "stretch" it and then gessoed it with the teeny can of house paint I brought. After that dried, I painting for a long time...time got away from me, and before I knew it, it was time for dinner. That is the best feeling, I tell ya. A few of us walked to Tyme Out for dinner which is the place to be! Clubbing music is pumping loudly and the air is full of energy. AND THEY SERVE VEGETABLES!!! You have no idea how much I miss eating veggies already...so many carbs and nothing else :)
Our group is definitely bonding. Since Professor Hugen hasn't really been around, we dont' know him at all yet but we know each other so well. Sunday night a bunch of us (almost all of us, actually) hung out in my room for a few hours before bed. It was so fun, like vacation! This group is really great. I am feeling socially energized at this point which was definitely one of the things I was worried about. I don't know why I'm so surprised that everyone is quality :)
Today we waited around about 5 hours to figure out our registration, ID cards, etc for the University...we gave up eventually. It's the Ghanaian way apparently. Everything takes forever. In the afternoon we took tro-tros (Tro tros are super rickety 12 passenger vans that are crammed full of people but only cost about 15 cents to go a long way. It is the most organized chaotic thing I've ever seen. So many hand symbols and understood ways of doing things...so foreign to us though!) in groups of 3 to the Medina Market. We exchanged money at the market and bought pre-pay cell phones (while chickens ran past us on the dirt) to keep in touch with each other, roommates, text home (maybe?!), and call (though that will be expensive, so don't count on it). Then, daddy, I had fish and chips for dinner. We are splurging already on Americany food. Though I'm not sick of the food here by any means (in fact, I may be one of the least sick of it), it was nice to mix it up a bit. That brings me to now!
Other quick random things: I feel like I'm learning things all the time. I bought a little hot pot at the Bush Canteen on Saturday for 3 cedis and made loose leaf tea last night and coffee this morning in my french press to-go mug. What else? I love the red dirt. It hasn't been that hot yet except for a few hours yesterday and today, though I'm sure it will get hotter! The reservoir that gives us running water dries up at the end of the week aparently, so Saturday and Sunday often bring with them toilets that turn DISGUSTING and no showers. Rough, and something I'll have to get used to!! Yuck!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
I'm alive and well!
I have 2 minutes cause I suck, and I'll try to update with more info tomorrow!!
Ghana is wonderful, I will soon tell you about first impressions, etc.
I slept under my mosquito net last night, had to walk outside in the middle of the night to pee, and haven't gotten sick yet. I also have eating YUMMY food and have seen lots of campus!
More soon,
I have 2 minutes cause I suck, and I'll try to update with more info tomorrow!!
Ghana is wonderful, I will soon tell you about first impressions, etc.
I slept under my mosquito net last night, had to walk outside in the middle of the night to pee, and haven't gotten sick yet. I also have eating YUMMY food and have seen lots of campus!
More soon,
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Pictures of People :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
The last few days have been wonderful.
We're back in St. Andrews and have been staying at Jane's mum's house (Gran) because all of Jane's B & B rooms. However, we have still spend a fair ammount of time at Jane's (in the afternoon, for dinner, etc.).
Side/Funny Note: Jane's B & B rooms were filled by four crotchety Englishmen who came to St. Andrews to play golf. When they weren't creepin' on the teenage girls in the house, they were hillarious...talkative and usually red-faced from cigarettes and whisky. One was nicknamed the "Brigadeer." Apprently he is really high strung and hearing the rest give him crap for it is something you just couldn't make up. Real life sitcom, I tell ya.
Anyways! Gran is a wonderful woman and her house is in the country and is incredibly peaceful. Her garden is lush and it is so quiet! No cars whizzing by, no distractions. It was lovely.
I began reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini on Wednesday and finished it this afternoon. It has been so nice to have time to read, relax in the sun...alone. A blessing really. Just what I felt like I needed with the upcoming chaos of next week ensuing.
I'm starting to think more and more about Ghana. I am definitely getting excited, but the reality of it being so soon is also really freaking me out. I keep day dreaming about seeing everyone at home, but these happy thoughts are rather rudely interrupted by "oh crap, then I'm leaving again." Surreal. Never fear, I'll get over it when I step out into Accra.
Our friends from Dubai are coming over in a few minutes for drinks and then dinner. (I love the order they do things in.) I've been lazy and reading all day in the sun so I need to shower!
We're back in St. Andrews and have been staying at Jane's mum's house (Gran) because all of Jane's B & B rooms. However, we have still spend a fair ammount of time at Jane's (in the afternoon, for dinner, etc.).
Side/Funny Note: Jane's B & B rooms were filled by four crotchety Englishmen who came to St. Andrews to play golf. When they weren't creepin' on the teenage girls in the house, they were hillarious...talkative and usually red-faced from cigarettes and whisky. One was nicknamed the "Brigadeer." Apprently he is really high strung and hearing the rest give him crap for it is something you just couldn't make up. Real life sitcom, I tell ya.
Anyways! Gran is a wonderful woman and her house is in the country and is incredibly peaceful. Her garden is lush and it is so quiet! No cars whizzing by, no distractions. It was lovely.
I began reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini on Wednesday and finished it this afternoon. It has been so nice to have time to read, relax in the sun...alone. A blessing really. Just what I felt like I needed with the upcoming chaos of next week ensuing.
I'm starting to think more and more about Ghana. I am definitely getting excited, but the reality of it being so soon is also really freaking me out. I keep day dreaming about seeing everyone at home, but these happy thoughts are rather rudely interrupted by "oh crap, then I'm leaving again." Surreal. Never fear, I'll get over it when I step out into Accra.
Our friends from Dubai are coming over in a few minutes for drinks and then dinner. (I love the order they do things in.) I've been lazy and reading all day in the sun so I need to shower!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
monty python and happy 48th birthday obama!
Before I tell you about Monty Python and the Holy Grail, let's not forget to say Happy Birthday to our President! Happy 48th Barack!
On Saturday, my family went to a few different castles. One is called Kilchurn Castle. Twas pretty. And Bubsy chased sheep. Here are some pictures:
This is Kilchurn Castle.
And Bubsy chasing sheep.
A view through a window from the inside of waterfalls.
And this, my friends, is Doune Castle. Doune Castle is where Monty Python and the Holy Grail was filmed in 1975!!! I freaking love that movie. And this castle is really cool. So i'll show you pictures of it as well!
Look familiar!?
This was where the scene with the wedding party is filmed...the one where Lancelot kills everyone. Apparently for this scene, they asked visitors to the castle to have a day of fun and dress up for the film. And the guard who Lancelot kills and throws off the staircase was some student who said he'd do it. Apparently there weren't regulations about safety...
Kristin and I reinacted the scene. I am the dude that Lancelot throws off the balcony...Kristin is Lancelot. And my mama is watching us :)
This was the oven/fireplace where people who actually lived in this castle roasted pigs, etc. But in Monty Python, it is the room where Galahad is welcomed by lots of lovely ladies dressed in white. "Spank me! And me! And me!" Haha...At one point, there was a bed in this room. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjio-F47IfM
This is the room/window where the guy wants to sinnnnng!!! Please refer to this website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3YiPC91QUk
This is where they flimed the scene in Camelot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGAYk5VWkTw
So great.
Thought I'd share :)
On Saturday, my family went to a few different castles. One is called Kilchurn Castle. Twas pretty. And Bubsy chased sheep. Here are some pictures:
And this, my friends, is Doune Castle. Doune Castle is where Monty Python and the Holy Grail was filmed in 1975!!! I freaking love that movie. And this castle is really cool. So i'll show you pictures of it as well!

So great.
Thought I'd share :)
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Good Life in North Berwick
North Berwick (pronounced "Nourth Berrr-ick"):
Compliments of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Royal Burgh of North Berwick is a seaside town in East Lothian, Scotland. It is situated on the south shore of the Firth of Forth, approximately 25 miles east of Edinburgh. North Berwick became a fashionable holiday resort in the 19th century because of its two sandy bays, the East (or Milsey) Bay and the West Bay, and continues to attract holiday makers to this day. Golf courses at the ends of each bay are open to visitors.
From Saturday until this morning (Monday) we stayed in the most beautiful house on "Millionaire Road" which is situation directly ON one of these famous golf courses (North Berwick Golf Course). It was beautiful. The woman who has the house and runs a few B & B rooms (which we stayed in) is great friends with our friend Jane. Her name is Kate. She has fiery red hair and an even more fiery personality. It was an absolute pleasure to enjoy her wonderful house, be a part of her hospitable parties, great conversation, and fully organic food--almost all of which came from her four hens and the garden outside. My salad was so fresh for Sunday lunch that a little slug climbed off of a piece of lettuce. Thankfully, I saw it before it ended up on my fork.
We joked the whole weekend about how we were living "The Good Life." Don't believe me? I'll post some pictures.
This is the view from the second floor drawing room (living room) of the golf course and the sea. Complete with islands, no big deal.
My dad and I in the drawing (pronounced "drawr-ing rouhm").
The dining room. We spent at least two hours per meal (yes, brekky, lunch, tea, and supper) at this table (except the lunch we had outside in the garden in the sunshine). We had so many wonderful conversations over food, drinks, and after food and drinks! We talked with Jane, Kate, and a few of their friends who were guests at random meals. Conversations were deep!! And meaningful!! We discussed politics over and over learning from each other about the way our countries percieve each other and our own experiences in our countries. We talked about George W., Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, health care, social classes, racism, war...the list was long!! I feel as though I gleaned so much--mostly from listening to wicked smart people!
The door opening into our B & B suite. Oil paintings covered the walls in this house.
And, of course, Princess Bubsy (my sister, Kristin) stretching in her comfy bed!
The weekend was wonderful!! (And made complete by a trip to H & M on the way back to St. Andrews today, sushi for dinner, and watching the 6th Harry Potter at the little theatre after dinner!)
The Royal Burgh of North Berwick is a seaside town in East Lothian, Scotland. It is situated on the south shore of the Firth of Forth, approximately 25 miles east of Edinburgh. North Berwick became a fashionable holiday resort in the 19th century because of its two sandy bays, the East (or Milsey) Bay and the West Bay, and continues to attract holiday makers to this day. Golf courses at the ends of each bay are open to visitors.
From Saturday until this morning (Monday) we stayed in the most beautiful house on "Millionaire Road" which is situation directly ON one of these famous golf courses (North Berwick Golf Course). It was beautiful. The woman who has the house and runs a few B & B rooms (which we stayed in) is great friends with our friend Jane. Her name is Kate. She has fiery red hair and an even more fiery personality. It was an absolute pleasure to enjoy her wonderful house, be a part of her hospitable parties, great conversation, and fully organic food--almost all of which came from her four hens and the garden outside. My salad was so fresh for Sunday lunch that a little slug climbed off of a piece of lettuce. Thankfully, I saw it before it ended up on my fork.
We joked the whole weekend about how we were living "The Good Life." Don't believe me? I'll post some pictures.
The weekend was wonderful!! (And made complete by a trip to H & M on the way back to St. Andrews today, sushi for dinner, and watching the 6th Harry Potter at the little theatre after dinner!)
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