Before I tell you about Monty Python and the Holy Grail, let's not forget to say Happy Birthday to our President! Happy 48th Barack!
On Saturday, my family went to a few different castles. One is called
Kilchurn Castle. Twas pretty. And Bubsy chased sheep. Here are some pictures:

This is Kilchurn Castle.

And Bubsy chasing sheep.

A view through a window from the inside of waterfalls.
And this, my friends, is
Doune Castle. Doune Castle is where Monty Python and the Holy Grail was filmed in 1975!!! I freaking love that movie. And this castle is really cool. So i'll show you pictures of it as well!

Look familiar!?

This was where the scene with the wedding party is filmed...the one where Lancelot kills everyone. Apparently for this scene, they asked visitors to the castle to have a day of fun and dress up for the film. And the guard who Lancelot kills and throws off the staircase was some student who said he'd do it. Apparently there weren't regulations about safety...

Kristin and I reinacted the scene. I am the dude that Lancelot throws off the balcony...Kristin is Lancelot. And my mama is watching us :)

This was the oven/fireplace where people who actually lived in this castle roasted pigs, etc. But in Monty Python, it is the room where Galahad is welcomed by lots of lovely ladies dressed in white. "Spank me! And me! And me!" Haha...At one point, there was a bed in this room.

This is the room/window where the guy wants to sinnnnng!!! Please refer to this website:

This is where they flimed the scene in Camelot.
So great.
Thought I'd share :)
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